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SEATA Directory


~ Post-graduate Diploma Merit in Evidenced-Based Psychological Therapies (Charlie Waller Institute, University of      Reading). BABCP fully accredited. 
~ MSc. Distinction Psychological Therapies (Queen Mary College, University of London)
~ MSc. Psychological Counselling (London Metropolitan University)
~ 2.1 BSc. Hons. in Psychology (University of Surrey, Guildford).

~ B. A. English (Schiller International University, London)

~ Certificate in Group Facilitation, the Gestalt Centre, London.

~ British Psychological Society Level A & B Qualification in Psychological Testing.

~ BPS RQTU - Register of Qualifications in Test Use                   

~ Completed training in Compassion Focused Therapy with Paul Gilbert. 

​~ Full professional indemnity insurance with Howden Insurance

~ See my page on the BACP therapist directory, It's Good To Talk

~ See my page on the Counselling Directory

~ ​Registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), reference number: ZA274676

~ See my page on Psychology Today UK 

~ Find me on the BABCP Online CBT Register.

~ Full, clear DBS (CRB) checks 2007 - present.

~ Worked for NHS IAPT for 8.5 years